Integral System APP
Valifai Mobile APP
Valifai is an integral system of affiliation that allows registration, geographic reference, physical and digital credentialing of voters throughout the country of Mexico.This product contains a Dashboard for administration and control of users and an APP for the users/members of the electoral party
24+ internal workers
1M+ Active users
Best use of Technology in a Government Campaign
Reed Awards (2022)
The Challenge’s
The main and only challenge we faced was to build an app intuitive and easy enough to use for users with low experience in mobile applications, so its usability had to be accurate and easy.
My Role
I was the lead designer of this product, I was in charge of managing the stakeholder interviews and bringing the product to the forefront. This product belonged to a personal client from the city of Puebla, Mexico.
Main Features
The app was made up of numerous features, but the most important and called the core of the app for the MVP were as follows
Control of Massive Information
User management should be easy with capacity to store more than 1 million users.
Interactive APP
The app was to be used by people not very familiar with technology.
Offline Mode
The app had to work with an offline system that could store the info locally and then send it to the cloud once connected.
Dashboard integrated
Dashboard capable of storing and managing more than 1 million users.
UX Design Process
The design process of this app was very similar to BrifMedia, I put more effort in the discovery and lowered a little bit the effort in the research. This is due to the fact that the flow and concepts of the app were already given by the client and it was not necessary to spend so much time in this stage.The design process was quite fast, because I relied on a component library based on NativeBase, this to facilitate the work of the programmers. NativeBase does not contain such a deep UI Kit so I had to replicate many of the components to move forward easily
Chapter 1
Electors List
Here we can see a basic list, generated by stylized components that stores the voter's name, gender, age, state where he/she lives, the political militancy he/she follows and his/her registration date from the mobile app. We have a page navigation system and certainly a search system with a filter and sorting included.
Elector page
Vital page of each voter, here the electoral party could be informed of all the possible data of the voter. Including the coordinates from where the voter was registered and all the data coming from the INE's database, which is the national identity system of Mexico.
SMS System
One of the main features of the product was to have a system for sending mass and individual text messages. This would solve many communication problems between the political party and its voters. This system contained a need for the party to be able to allocate certain resources to the constituents. This screen belongs to the individual sending of the text message.
Chapter 2
Offline Mode
Offline Flow in APP
This is the flow of the Offline operation of the APP. Its mode of operation is to collect all possible registration data and store it in a place of the local system, and then when you have internet connection the upload is done validating the data with possible copies to avoid future errors.
Chapter 3
High-Res Components
Final result
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