Social Media APP
taringa! Mobile APP
Taringa! is an Argentine social network focused on Spanish-speaking users. It has more than 27 million users and in 2013 was named as the largest and most used social network in Latin America. Taringa changed its roadmap and is heading now to create a new platform dedicated to content creators. The company left behind the whole Communities + NFT story and began to draw a new map.
1,000+ daily visitors
40+ internal workers
Latin American Social Network
Most popular (2013)
20M+ Registered users
500+ active users
The Challenge’s
Taringa! never had a mobile application, its business model never had enough resources to build an application to be used on numerous devices. For this, new roadmap was initiated and its objective was always to start with a mobile app.
The community system was going to be left behind, a new model was coming that was focused on content creators, that's why a robust web-view based content creator was needed to help us launch a beta in a short period of time. All this needed to be done in less than 3 months.
The business model was to be anchored to a monetization system on the blockchain, tied to the RIF currency and the bitcoin smart contract system led by Rootstock
My Role
I was the product designer for one of the squads, made up of PO, BA, PM and MKT. I was in charge of leading the research processes of all the features that went through the squad, the squad was in charge of developing very important features of the app that I will detail in the process. One of the most important features was the Content Creator, the core of the Taringa!
Main Features
The app was made up of numerous features, but the most important and called the core of the app for the MVP were as follows
Desktop + Mobile
Content Creator
The platform is going to be full of content creators, but what are these content creators without a content creator of their own, right?. Due to the short development time a decision needed to be made on what that creator would look like, it was based on a web-view systematized by lexical, Facebook's content creator.
Desktop + Mobile
Discovery Page
Our discovery page was going to be directly our home page in the app, that's why it had to be visually attractive, easy to use, easy to consume content, fast interaction with the creator and an infinite scroll.
Desktop + Mobile
Content Detail + Comment Section
The reading of the content was going to handle long and short content, Taringa! was always known for hosting long content in their communities and decided not to leave this idea behind and give users this content that they used so much. This would be accompanied by a basic comments section with the possibility of having children comments up to 2 levels.
Wallet System
The new taringa roadmap was to be accompanied by an integration into the web3.0 world. The leaders of the project, together with the stakeholders, were recognized followers of the RIF currency and the RSK blockchain system. That is why the RIF currency was adopted to the business model and a smart contract system created by RSK.
UX Design Process
Let's learn about the design process that was executed for the core feature of the application, the content creator.
Content Creator
All the features mentioned above went through an extensive research process, I will demonstrate the ux case only of the feature number 1 which is the content creator, a very important feature that was almost the main feature of the platform, because without it could not exist any content within the platform.
For this research ux we used the following tasks, they helped us to systematize in an organized way all the necessary information that this content creator could contain without skipping any feature and regretting in the future Interviews to stakeholders Benchmarking with his Analysis Journey map creation User flows definitions Low-Res Prototypes designing User testing with a small pool of users High definition prototypes Final designs
In the other features we perform many different methods, for example in the wallet system we include a card sorting to perform the information architecture of the wallet control panel. Another example would be in the user test of the content creator where we performed a/b testing with key elements in the whole flow.
Journey Map
It was necessary to know the process our users were going to go through, our main and only objective was to create content. We defined as main activities the creation of content, a white and wide canva where the user will create his content, the possibility to preview the content that the user created with accessibility to save the content as it looks, as a last and final objective to publish the content.
User flows
After understanding the journey through which our users were going to go through, the construction of the flows was carried out taking into account error hypotheses and questions to the backend. To start building the flows, I defined some indicators that would help me identify the actions within the flows. Our content creator underwent numerous iterations, most of which were intended to be marked in the flows, but others happened after user testing. The user flows that were created on this feature: User wants to create content Creator wants to create content Image insert Video insert Audio insert Creator wants to preview his content Publishing options Product details Publish content
Low-Res Prototypes
As this feature was the first to be treated, low resolution components were defined to help us speed up the prototyping process, these low resolution prototypes ended up being used as some user tests because it was determined that they met the requirements and thus took advantage of the time in the design process.
Final result
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