Responsive Website
This is a product for a brand new newspaper that was related to only sports in the city of Puebla, Mexico. They needed to built a Dashboard to control their news (Creation, Moderation, Plugins) and also a Website to present all the news in a professional and interactive way.

Grada is currently the No.1 sports newspaper in Puebla city, they have more than 1000 visitors per week in their website and more than 100 downloads per day of their PDF newspaper
First Sports News in Puebla
+1k Daily visitors
+24 Internal Workers
+8 Sports covered
+150k Newspaper buyers per day
The Objective
To have a Dashboard that would have the possibility to create content in an interactive way. Also, the dashboard needed to classify the content in different ways (creation process, draft, archived, published).
My Role
I was the one and only Product Designer of this product, my job was focused on making the UX really simple but deliver a complete product. The work was focused on the dashboard but later in the process the responsive website took several hours to fullfish the UI.
Main Features
The dashboard needed to have a very interactive article creation, making it easy to create and edit posts from numerous sports with different match results.
Interactive News Creator
When creating articles you can implement features of results, video, calendar, alignments, etc.
Multi-Sports Scoreboard
The main page should have a scoreboard that stores different sports and numerous leagues.
Draft System
The creation of articles should be reinforced with a draft system, allowing creators to store and edit their articles at any time.
VOD integrated
The final product was to contain a VOD system capable of hosting live news broadcasts.
UX Design Process
The search process for this product was mainly based on competency benchmarking. But since we had no competencies in the city of Puebla we were free to adopt functionalities from countries like Russia or Ukraine, who solve UX problems very well in their news platforms. Numerous Russian sports newspapers store a great variety of sports, their way of displaying results and line-ups was very curious so I adopted those solutions and transformed them into a Latin system. That is why I also took into account the Latin sports pioneer ESPN and with them I was able to complete the benchmarking research. In the discovery part, there was no extensive prototyping due to lack of time. That's why I only used the stage to test some use cases with stakeholders provided by the client, the test method I used was interview and among the pool of users were 3 journalists who were very helpful.
Chapter 1
Article Creation
The creation method was centered on a template that the user chooses, this template is of a basic article that brings by default drawers set for a news article. The title section is active, waiting for a text introduction. While the rest of the sections like news description, image, caption, body and tags are waiting to be activated.In addition to this we have tools on the right side that can be implemented in the article, such as an image gallery or a scorebox that depends on the sport we are managing.
Article List
Under this list of items we could run the draft system. This consisted of a fully real-time system that stored articles that were being created/edited, articles that were discarded for publication and articles that were saved as drafts. The change of status of any of these publications could be sent to the homepage, to the VOD system or to any page we could create and want to include them.
Chapter 2
Responsive Website
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