Dashboard + Mobile APP
BrifMedia Mobile APP
BrifMedia it is an intelligent media analysis and monitoring platform designed to allow the consumption of politicians public information in print and digital media through an app on ios and android.

The purpose of the app is to has all the political news of the city organized and read them in a filtered way, using a OCR logic that reads the article and classified the politics members in a bad/neutral/good form.
350+ Daily visitors
+5k Indexed tags
+100 Listed newspapers
1k+ Registered users
150+ Active users
The Challenge
The way newspapers are generated nowadays is very ambiguous, taking it to the digital world is difficult and even more if we can only get a .pdf of the newspaper. That is why the biggest challenge of the product was to configure an OCR reading system, this would facilitate the transformation of all the newspapers and the filling of our database in an easy way.
My Role
I was the lead designer of this product, I was in charge of managing the stakeholder interviews and bringing the product to the forefront. This product belonged to a personal client from the city of Puebla, Mexico.
Main Objectives
The app was made up of numerous features, but the most important and called the core of the app for the MVP were as follows
Improve content consumption
Decapitalize the massive use of Twitter, which was the most used app in Puebla.
Control of massive information
Be able to handle more than 100 media and more than 500 articles per day
No human interaction
An intelligent OCR (Comparison of optical character recognition software) system was necessary to avoid erroneous uploading of articles.
Telegram BOT subscription
Integration has to provide easy way to synchronize students between classes on Google Classroom and ClassTag
UX Design Process
The process for this app was short and simple, I was familiar with the product that needed to be built because i was part of the process of branding and creation of logo so the conversations with my client went very smoothly. Also, my client came prepared to the creation of this productThe tasks or phases that I could skip from the process I knew would not affect the product and if I felt they could affect me I tried to solve it immediately.

Research: I did a very short research because the client gave me important material, I took advantage of this phase to interview as much as I could the client who was my main stakeholder.

Analyze Research: the analysis was daily, this process lasted approximately 3 weeks trying to understand what was the best for the users and which user would take advantage of it more, I created approximately 10 user personas because the app was focused on numerous politicians of different personalities and mentalities. It was difficult to choose 10 user personas but I needed to save my time and be precise.

Discovery: This process was very iterative, I didn't build a detailed journey map but I did it with the most basic tasks, I moved on to create a couple of user stories that defined the most important features of the app and started to design the flows.

Designing: The prototypes were tested directly by the client and his team, they were approved and I advanced immediately to the final designs, this process did not take more than 1 month because I had very well prepared the previous ones.

Production: The designs went to production after 3 months of design, we continued iterating the app for 4 more months adding new features.
High-Res Screens
All pages are uploaded and processed from a .PDF file, then our OCR system identifies all possible text fields and leaves it ready for the moderator to process.
Mobile APP
Final result
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